ボールド体 は、台詞を喋る人の名前
イタリック体 は、心の中で思っていること

The Sealed Card — マイナスの魔力

In Sakura's school, kids are busy with the preparation for Nadeshiko festival. There are many props all over the school.
さくらの学校では、子供たちが なでしこ祭の準備をしている。 学校中には、 いろんな小道具が置いてある。
Naoko Wow, it's Meilin.
Chiharu Li.
Rika It's been a long time. When did you get back into town?
久しぶりね。 いつ戻ってきたの?
Meilin Yesterday.
Naoko Did you come here to see the festival?
Meilin Yeah, but I want to do other things.
Meilin looks at Syaoran so he statters as Meilin smiles without a word.
苺鈴が小狼を見ると、小狼は口ごもってしまい、苺鈴は何も言わずに 微笑んでいる。
Takashi Hey, is it me or did you get taller, Li?
Syaoran Uh, a little.
Rika Yeah, does it look like he's a little taller?
Meilin walks out of the crowd up to Tomoyo who is standing at the corner of the classroom.
Meilin It looks like Miss Kinomoto wasn't able to tell him last night.
Tomoyo No, when Li returned from Sakura's house yesterday he wasn't behaving any differently than usual.
ええ、ゆうべ、さくらちゃんの家から戻ってきた時も、 李くん、普段とは変わった様子がありませんでしたものね。
Meilin Umm, after we gave her the perfect opportunity.
Tomoyo Heh heh heh. But at least that means there's another opportunities as well.
うふふ。 でも、これで他のチャンスもできたってことですわ。
Meilin To do what?
Tomoyo To record the special moment when Sakura confesses her love to him naturally.
さくらちゃんが、自然に、李くんに愛の告白をする瞬間を 撮影するチャンスですわ。
Meilin Huhh... You still haven't changed, Miss Daidouji.
ふぅ... まったく変わってないわね、大道寺さん。
Tomoyo Hohohoho...
Sakura comes run into the classroom late.
Sakura Good morning! Sorry, am I late again?
おはよう! ごめん、また遅れちゃった?
Chiharu You're just in time.
Sakura That's a relief.
Naoko Well, shall we begin our rehearsal now?
Kids OK!
Kids are walking to their own positions for the rehearsal.
Syaoran Good morning.
Sakura Morning.

After the rehearsal, Sakura, Tomoyo, Meilin, and Syaoran are walking back home. When crossing the bridge in the park, Meilin is talking to Sakura.
練習が終わって、さくらと知世と苺鈴と小狼は帰宅している。 公園の橋を 渡りながら、苺鈴はさくらと話している。
Meilin You know, I think the princess is really dense.
Sakura Hoe?
Meilin She was actually asked out after all. She would have said yes to the prince on the spot right then and there.
お姫様は実際に告白されたわけでしょ。 なら、すぐその場で、それを受け入れるべきなのよ。
Sakura Teh...
Meilin But then I guess she also considers the timing and atmosphere, though I think he wants to hear an answer right away.
でも、わたしが思うに、タイミングとか場の雰囲気を考えてるのね。 王子様は、すぐに返事を聞きたいと思ってると思うんだけどね。
Sakura Unh heh... [Smiles nervously]
う、うん... [ひきつった笑い]
Sakura takes a side glance at Syaoran walking next to Tomoyo behind her.
Sakura Unh...
Meilin But even if it's hard to say you just need courage, right? For the play or for the other thing.
言うのが難しいと思っても、勇気が必要なのよ! 劇にしても、 もう一つのこともね。
Sakura Y-yeah. Wait a sec. What is that other thing?
う、うん。 ちょっと待って。 もう一つのことってなに?
Meilin It sure is hot out here?
Sakura Is it hot out here than in Hong Kong?
Meilin No, Hong Kong's worse.
Sakura Hey, why don't we get some juice to drink?
Meilin That sounds good.
Sakura A great place to stop is up here.
Sakura runs up the slope.
Sakura It's this way. We can take a shortcut there if we go up the hill and turn at the corner with a mailbox.
こっち。 坂を上って、ポストがある角を曲がるとすぐだよ。
Meilin Hey, hold on, Miss Kinomoto.
On the top of the hill, Sakura looks round with a puzzled look.
Sakura Hoe?
Meilin Jeez, please don't make me run around when it's hot out.
Tomoyo Is something the matter, Sakura?
Sakura I could have sworn that a mailbox was around us where we're here.
あたしたちがいる このあたりにポストがあるって 思ったんだけど。
Tomoyo Really? I don't usually travel around here so I'm afraid I can't help.
そうですか? このあたりはめったに来ませんので、わたしには なんとも。
Meilin Maybe they got rid of it.
Sakura You think so?
Meilin It's this way, right?
Sakura Yeah.
Meilin It's hot out. Hurry up!
暑いわね。 急ぎましょ。
Although they don't even notice, the mailbox remains only its foot a few inches thick.
四人は気づかなかったが、ポストは、その場所に5センチくらい 脚が残っている。

Kero is playing a videogame when Sakura come back in her room.
Sakura I'm back, Kero.
Kero Welcome home.
Sakura Have you been playing games all day again?
Not answering Sakura, Kero goes on playing the game until he gets to the goal.
Kero All right! First place! First record! Woohoo woohoo!
I'll show him up with this one for sure!
Hey, got a question, Sakura. Are you gonna write a letter to that Eriol guy in England any time soon?
やったぁ! 一位や! トップや! よっしゃあ! やったで!
さくら、ちょっと訊くけど、イギリスにおる あのエリオルとかいう やつに、またすぐ手紙 書くんか?
Sakura A letter to Eriol?
Kero Yeah!
Sakura I guess I should. I would like to write to him about Syaoran and Meiling visiting us and everything.
書かなきゃ。 小狼くんと苺鈴ちゃんが日本に来てることを 手紙に書きたいの。
Kero Then would you mind sending my letter when you send yours? Hee hee. I wanna tell Suppi about my record time!
じゃ、その手紙 送る時、わいのも送ってくれんか? あはは、スッピーにわいの新記録を教えてやるんや!
Sakura When you say Suppie... do you mean Spinel?
スッピーって... スピネルさんのこと?
Kero Yeah!
Sakura It's like you and Eriol's black cat are all the friends or something. You guys get along really.
ケロちゃんとエリオルくんとこの黒ネコさんって、いいお友達 というか、とっても仲良しさんなんだね。
Kero It's not like that. We really don't get along at all. We're rivals! [With eyes blazing]
そんなんやない! 仲良しなんかやない。 ライバルや! [目が燃えている]
Sakura Hoe?
Kero I've got that Suppi now. There's no way he can beat me. You shouldn't think you can break my new records so easily, Suppi!
みとれよ、スッピー。 このわいには絶対に勝てんのや。 そう簡単にわいの記録を破れると思うなよ、スッピー!

Later on that night, when Kero is asleep Sakura lying in her bed is writing to Eriol.
その晩遅く、ケロが寝ている時に、さくらはベッドに寝そべってエリオルへの 手紙を書いている。
Sakura How are you doing? It's been very hot out here lately. I've been very busy every day preparing for the festival that I told you about in my last letter. And you were right guessing which role I was getting in the play. You were right. I got the role of the princess. I'm really nervous about it. I hope I can get a good performance.
お元気ですか? こっちは、最近、とても暑いです。 この前の手紙にも書いたとおり、 毎日、なでしこ祭の準備で大忙しです。 劇でわたしがなんの 役をすることになるかって、エリオルくんの言うとおりでした。 わたし、お姫様の役になったんです。 とっても緊張しているけど、 とてもいい演技ができそうな気がしています。
Kero tosses and turns in bed and lies out of the bedding.
Kero Just you wait, Suppi. [Sleeping]
待っとれ、スッピー。 [ねごと]
Sakura chuckles and cover him with the bedding.
Sakura Oh, I almost forgot. There's a new amusement park is getting to ready to open where your house used to be, Eriol. And another news, Syaoran and Meilin came all the way from Hong Kong to visit us. It looks like Syaoran grew a little bit taller over these past four months, too.
あっ、そうだ。 エリオルくんのうちがあった場所に、 遊園地ができて、もうすぐ開園するみたいです。 それから、もう一つ。 小狼くんと苺鈴ちゃんが、香港から遊びに来てくれました。 この4ヶ月の間に、小狼くんは、またちょっと背が伸びたみたい。
Sakura picks up the namesless card she created on her own on which a heart with wings is drawn, and stares at it smiling.
さくらは、ハートと翼が描かれた、自分自身の力で創ったカードを取り出し、 微笑んで眺めている。
Sakura Oh, Syaoran...
When she puts her face down on her arms she falls asleep. Soon after the Card on top of the deck flots and glows before disappearing.
腕の上に顔を伏せると、さくらは眠ってしまう。 すぐに、カードの束の 頂上にあったカードが浮かんで光ると、消えてしまう。

Sakura's class are practicing their play. The soung ``Arigato'' is sung for the background music.
さくらのクラスは劇の練習をしている。 「ありがとう」 の歌がBGMとして 流れている。
Stepping out of the classroom, she finds Syaoran stand by the window. When she made up her mind and step toward to confess, the kids hold a prop fish pass by them, then Sakura loses the timing.
教室から出ると、廊下の窓際に小狼が立っているのをさくらは 見つける。 さくらは決心して、歩み寄って返事をしようとすると、 魚の大道具を持った子供たちが走りすぎ、さくらはタイミングを失う。
Tomoyo shows the class Sakura's costume for the princess that she finished. Sakura is very pleased with her eyes widened. There comes Takashi in his prince costume made by Tomoyo. He looks cool, but when he starts one of his stories Chiharu warns him with grasping a fist. The class laugh.
ともよはさくらに、できたばかりのお姫様の衣装を見せる。 さくらは目を大きく開けて、とても嬉しそう。 そこに、知世がつくった 王子様の衣装を着た山崎が入って来る。 格好よく見えているが、 例のウソの話を始めると、千春はこぶしを握って山崎に警告する。
Finally, Sakura comes out in the princess costume, and she was surrounded by her friends that like the design. She looks at Syaoran standing with a smile a dozen feets away from the girls as she blushed.
ついに、お姫様の衣装を着たさくらが登場し、友達に囲まれ、みんな そのデザインを気に入っている。 さくらは、女子の輪から5メートルくらい 離れて微笑んで立っている小狼を見つめて、照れてしまう。

Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Meilin are walking in the city.
Meilin Hold on one minute. I'll be right back, OK?
Let's go, Miss Daidouji.
ちょっと待ってて。 すぐ戻ってくるから。
Meilin takes Tomoyo by the hand and run away from the place.
Sakura Hey! Where are you going, Meilin?
ちょとぉ! 苺鈴ちゃん、どこ行くの?
Finding to be left alone with Syaoran, Sakura turns around back at Syaoran.
Sakura Say, Syaoran, you know...
I wanted... umm... I wanted to...
あのね、小狼くん... その...
あたし... その... あたし...
Something pops up between Sakura and Syaoran all of a sudden as she astuonded.
突然、何かがさくらと小狼の間に立ちふさがり、 さくらは驚いてしまう。
Sakura Hoeeeee!!
Syaoran Ughhhh...
It's a gigantic rabbit suit with a toy flower in its hand that interrupted the two. Yukito walks up to the spot.
間に立っていたのは、片手に花を持った巨大なウサギの着ぐるみだった。 次に雪兎が歩いてくる。
Yukito You shouldn't do that, Touya.
Sakura Oh, what? Yukito.
え? 雪兎さん。
The guy in the rabbit suit takes off the head, and then does Touya's head appear.
Sakura Big brother! Why'd you scare me like that?!
お兄ちゃん! ビックリさせないでよ!
Touya Because you were just standing with a damn look on your face.
Touya rolls his eyes and glares at Syaoran. At this time, Meilin and Tomoyo runs back to hear Sakura's scream.
桃矢は視線を変え、小狼を睨む。 その時、さくらの悲鳴を聞いた 苺鈴と知世が走って戻ってくる。
Meilin What was all the yelling about just before?
Sakura It was my brother catching me by surprise.
Yukito We'll make up for it by treating you all to ice cream. Right Touya?
おわびに、みんなにアイスクリームをごちそうしてあげるよ。 ね、桃矢?
Touya Why should I?
Yukito Because you got in Sakura's way.
Touya Humph.
Sakura Hoe?
In the middle of the city there was a big fountain, where a woman is waiting for her date.
Man Wait long?
Woman No, I just got here.
ううん、今 来たとこ。
Man Shall we go?
Touya is standing on a bench unsatisfiedly with his arms crossed, still in a rabbit suit with the head placed beside him. Three girls from his college investigates the rabbit suit if there are any damage.
桃矢は気に入らない様子で腕を組んで、ウサギの着ぐるみを着たまま ベンチに座り、頭を脇に置いている。 同じ大学の三人の女子学生が 壊れた場所がないかどうか、着ぐるみをチェックしている。
Girl This side looks like its OK.
Touya I don't see why Yukito made me treat the twerp ice cream, too.
Meilin and Tomoyo are eating ice cram at a table.
Meilin Mmm! This is great! Is this the best I've ever tasted!
う〜ん! おいしい! こんなおいしいの食べたことないわ!
Sakura and Yukito are sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree.
Sakura Thank you for the ice cream.
Yukito Don't forget that Touya paid for half of it, too.
Have you found him?
Sakura Hoe?
Yukito The person that you like more than anyone else I mean.
Sakura Yeah.
Yukito I'm so glad. Have you told the person how you feel yet?
それはよかった。 それで、さくらちゃんの気持ちは伝えたの?
Sakura Not yet...
Yukito I see.
Sakura But I'm going to try my very best to tell him soon.
でも、がんばって すぐに気持ちを伝えるつもりです。
Yukito I'm always cheering for you.
And I'm sure my other self is, too.
Sakura Yeah!
At this time, one of Sakura Cards in her bag disappears all of a sudden, Sakura senses the move.
その時、さくらカードの一枚がカバンの中で突然、消え、さくらは 気配を感じる。
Sakura Hoe?
Yukito What's wrong?
Sakura Uh, nothing. I just thought somehing moved in my bag.
なんでもないです。 中で何か動いた気がしたんだけど。
Sakura opens her bag to see what happened, but she couldn't find the change.
さくらはカバンを開けて何が起きたか調べようとしたが、 変わったことには気づかない。
Sakura Hoe?

Later, four of Sakura's gang are walking in the park.
Meilin Do you remember how it's said that the plush toy was a real bear on the video last night? But even if it got bigger a plush toy is still a plush toy. It's not like what's inside is gonna change, right?
昨日のビデオのぬいぐるみが本当のクマだったって言ってたの 覚えてる? どんなに大きくなってもぬいぐるみはぬいぐるみ よね。 中身は絶対に変わるわけないわよね。
Syaoran Huh? What's wrong.
ん? どうかしたか?
Sakura Umm... Actually... Did you feel something a few minutes ago?
えっと... あのね... さっき、なにか感じなかった?
Syaoran Feel something? Like what?
感じるって? 何を?
Sakura Hmm...
Syaoran Did anything happen?
Sakura Hmm, never mind it. If you didn't feel anything unusual I'm sure it was just me.
ううん、なんでもない。 小狼くんが感じなかったのなら、 多分、気のせいだよ。
Meilin What?!
Hearing Melin's scream, Syaoran and Sakura run ahead up to her, then they see the bridge across the canal is gone.
苺鈴の声を聞いて、小狼とさくらが駆けつけてみると、 川にかかっている小さな橋が消えていた。
Tomoyo The bridge. It isn't here any more.
Meilin I wonder if it could be under construction.
Tomoyo But it were there would be numerous warning signs on the facility.
Meilin But how can you explain this?

Back in her room, Sakura talks to Kero about the mysterious finding.
Kero What? There was a bridge that totally disappered?
なんやて? 橋が消えてしまった?
Sakura Mm-hmm. We ran into the park ranger when all we were there, and even he seemed pretty surprised.
うん。 あたしたちがいる時に、公園の管理人さんが来たんだけど、 すごく驚いていたの。
Kero That's a weird story I gotta admit. Eriol is not around here any more and the Clow Cards have already turned into Sakura Cards. Something weird like that should not happen.
間違いなく変や話や。 エリオルがいなくなって、クロウカードも さくらカードに変わってもうたし、そんな変なことは もう起こらんはずやけどな。
Kero stuffs snack into his mouth.
Sakura Yeah, it really shouldn't have.
Kero Anyway, you'd better carry your Sakura Cards around with you in case anything else weird happens.
とにかく、また変なことが起きてもええように、常にさくらカードを もっといたほうがええな。
Sakura Hmm.
Sakura's phone rings, and at the same time Kero starts devouring the snack on the plate.
Sakura Hello, who is it?
Oh, hi, there, Meilin. Mm-hmm. Right. We're supposed to have a day off from rehearsal tomorrow. Huh? The amusement park?
あ、苺鈴ちゃん。 うん。 いいよ。 明日は練習 お休みだから。 ん? 遊園地ね?
Successfully, Kero can eat up all the snack before Sakura gets back from the phone.

The amusement park on the hill is finally opened and there is a crowd of people amusing themselves. Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Meilin are waiting for Sakura at the entrance.
丘の上の遊園地は、ついに開園し、多くの人が遊びに来ている。 小狼と知世と苺鈴は入口でさくらを待っている。
Tomoyo Oh, I can see her coming now.
Sakura Sorry guys! [Running]
ごめんなさい! [走ってくる]
Meilin You are late!
Sakura [Panting] A lot of things were in my mind last night then I didn't go to sleep until really late. Sorry.
[息を切らせる] ゆうべは、いろんなことが頭にうかんで、 本当に遅くまで眠れなかったの。 ごめんなさい。
Meilin Well, it's OK, I guess.
Come on. We'd better hurry up.
さてと。 急ぎましょ。
Sakura Ha.
Syaoran Are you all right?
Sakura [Turns around with blush] Mm- Hmm...
[照れて後ろを向く] う、うん...
Meanwhile Tomoyo is videotaping Sakura.
Tomoyo It would be really nice if Sakura could tell him today.
Meilin Yeah, it sure would. I specifically set them up in the amusement park so that she gets all the opportunity to do this.
ホントにそのとおりよ。 特別に遊園地までセッティングして、 そのチャンスができるようにしてあげたんだから。
A teddy bear suit bumps into Sakura on each other's backs. Both Sakura and the bear aplogizes, and the bear gave her a balloon for an excuse.
クマの着ぐるみを着た人がさくらに、ともに背中合わせにぶつかる。 さくらもクマも謝って、クマはさくらに風船をわたして謝る。
Meilin But it's already five days since I came to Japan, and I can't believe she hasn't told him yet. Miss Kinomoto really is dense!
日本に来てもう5日も経つというのに、まだ返事もできてないなんて。 木之本さんってホントにトロい!
Tomoyo But that's what Sakura's virtue is in my opinion.

The four kid joyfull run in the amusement park; Sakura and Meilin runs ahead hand in hand. They enjoy roller coaters and carousel. They delightedly giggles when they put on a crown made of balloons.
四人は遊園地を楽しそうに駆け回る。 さくらと苺鈴は手をつないで先に 走っている。 四人はジェットコースターとメリーゴーラウンドを 楽しむ。 風船でできた王冠をかぶると楽しそうに笑っている。
Sakura and Meilin are enjoying in sitting on a big swing rotation as high as a dozen feet above.
さくらと苺鈴は、回転する巨大なブランコに座って、5メートルくらいの 高さに上昇している。
Sakura Hi, Tomoyo!
Sakura sees Syaoran watching her from below, and she blushes.
Meilin Oh, that was really fun.
Tomoyo Yes, very.
Meilin You should've gone on that right with us, Syaoran.
Syaoran I guess.
Meilin Miss Kinomoto, what should we try next?
Sakura Huh? I don't know.
え? さあ...
Meilin All right.
Fine! We'll go on that next! [Points to Ferris wheel]
そうだ! 次はあれに乗りましょ! [観覧車を指さす]
Tomoyo Oh, Ferris wheel.
Meilin I'd like very much to share a car with Miss Daidouji this time. You just have to ride with Syaoran, Miss Kinomoto.
今度は、わたしは大道寺さんと一緒に乗りたいから、 木之本さんは小狼と一緒に乗ってね。
Sakura Ugh... Hoee...
え... ほええ...
When they get on separate cars two by two, Tomoyo starts videotaping Sakura from behind her car.
四人は、二人ずつに分かれて観覧車に乗る。 知世は後ろのゴンドラから さくらを撮影している。
Meilin You really work hard, Miss Daidouji.
Tomoyo Hohohoho,
Sakura and Syaoran are sitting in a car face to face. She is aware of the opportunity, but she can't bring herself to confess until their cart has climed up to top of the Ferris wheel. It's not until the car began going down, Sakura psyched herself.
さくらと小狼はゴンドラに乗って向かい合わせに座っている。 チャンスに 気づいてはいるものの、言い出すことができず、ゴンドラは観覧車の てっぺんまで来てしまう。 さくらが決心したのは、ゴンドラが下り始めて からになった。
Sakura Syaoran.
Syaoran What is it?
Sakura Honestly... honestly... about my feelings toward you...
実は... 実は... あたし、小狼くんのこと...
Suddenly, one of Sakura Cards came out of Sakura's purse and flew out the cart. Sakura and Syaoran notices the move.
突然、さくらカードの一枚がさくらのポシェットから飛び出す。 さくらと 小狼はその時の気配に気づく。
Sakura This feeling.
Syaoran It can't be.
On the other hand, Meilin turns back to see if Sakura got her opportunity.
Meilin I'm sure that Kinomoto must have told him by now.
Tomoyo But they're apparently acting too strange for that.
Tomoyo's camcorder seizes the shot that Sakura and Syaoran are looking out the cart to search for the presence they felt.
知世のカメラは、さくらと小狼が、感じた気配を探している映像を 捕らえている。
Park Staff Watch your step, please.
On getting off the car, Sakura and Syaoran dash off, tracking the mysterious presence.
観覧車を降りると、さくらと小狼は不思議な気配を追って 走りだす。
Sakura This presence. It can't be.
この気配は。 まさか。
They are in front of the Mirror House in search for the presence.
Syaoran It's coming from here.
Sakura Yeah.
Syaoran Let's go.
Syaoran and Sakura walk into the Mirror House, in which there's a narrow path with walls made of mirror.
小狼とさくらはミラーハウスに入る。 中は鏡の壁に囲まれた狭い 通路になっている。
Sakura Syaoran, this feeling... Do you really think it could the...
小狼くん、この気配は... これって、ひょっとして...
Syaoran Yeah, there's no mistake. This has to be the presence of a Clow Card.
ああ、間違いない。 これは、クロウカードの気配だ。
Sakura But I collected all the Clow Cards. How can this be?
Syaoran I don't know. But the presence I felt in this amusement part 4 days ago was definitely a Clow Card. If I had known about this I would have brough my compass board.
わからない。 でも、4日前にここで感じた気配は確かに クロウカードだった。 こうなるってわかってたら、羅針盤を持って 来るんだった。
Sakura senses someone there back in the corner.
Sakura Over there.
Sakura and Syaoran runs to where they feel the presence. They turn several times in the Mirror House until Sakura finds a girl beyond one of those mirrors.
さくらと小狼は、気配がする方に駆けつけ、ミラーハウスの中を何度か曲がり、 鏡の向こうに女の子がいるのをさくらは見つける。
Syaoran Use the Through Card so you can get through with the mirror.
Sakura Hmm! [Gropes her purse for the Card]
It's gone! The Through Card is gone.
うん! [ポシェットに手を入れてカードを探す]
ない! スルーのカードがない!
Syaoran That's impossible!
Girl Return them. Return my friends to me.
返して。 お友達を返して。
Sakura gaspes at the voice, when two Cards gets out of the purse to fly through the mirror. The two Cards and the Through Card that has gone earlier are floating in front of the girl until they disappear. Sakura takes out a Card to fight against her.
声を聞いてさくらはハッとする。 その時、2枚のカードがポシェットから出て その鏡を通り抜ける。 二枚のカードと先にいなくなったスルーのカードは その少女の前に浮かび、そして消えた。 さくらは戦うためにカードを取り出す。
Sakura Wood!
The Wood Card's magic weakens pretty soon, and flies to the girl beyond the mirror. Then she disappeared from Sakura's sight.
ウッドの魔法はすぐに弱くなり、鏡の向こうにいる少女に向かって飛んでいく。 そして、少女はさくらの視界から消える。
Sakura She's gone.
Syaoran Yeah, so has the presence.

When she's back home she told Kero about the mysterious presence she sensed in the amusement park.
さくらは家に戻ると、ケロに遊園地で起こった不思議な出来事について 話す。
Kero Some of your Cards were been stolen?
Who's stole 'em?!
Sakura It was a small girl. And she had long hair.
小さな女の子。 髪の長い。
Kero A small girl?!
Sakura I... but the presence was... It can't be...
でも、あの気配は... そんなことって...
Kero Hmm...
At this time, Sakura's cell phone rings.
Kero Who'd be calling at the time like this?
Sakura Hello, this is Sakura.
Eriol It's been a long time, Sakura.
Sakura Eriol!
Eriol is talking over the phone sitting in a dark room by the fireplace.
Eriol My mansion... no, Clow Reed's mansion has torn down, has it not?
わたしの屋敷... いや、クロウリードの屋敷が取り壊されましたね。
Sakura Mm-hmm.
Eriol The Clow Card that was sealed away underneath it has been activated.
Kero That are totally 52 Clow Cards. Right how come I didn't know there was one more!
クロウカードは全部で52枚や。 わいは、他にもう一枚あるなんて 知らへんで!
Eriol The only one who knows the existence of the sealed card was Clow Reed himself. And that card has never once been in the existence.
その封印されたカードのことを知っているのはクロウ・リードだけだ。 しかもそのカードは、実体を現したことはない。
Kero What's that?!
Sakura What kind of Card is it?
Eriol All the Clow Cards possess what can build to find this positive power. To put it in simple terms, the cards are always used to create something essentialy. However this card is complete different than the other ones. The card that was sealed beneath the mansion returns everything to nothingness.
クロウカードはすべて、ものを作り出すためのプラスのパワーを 持っています。 簡単に言うと、カードは常に何かを作り出すために 使うものです。 しかし、このカードは他のカードとは完全に違います。 屋敷の下に封印されていたカードはすべてを無に返してしまう。
Sakura Nothingness?
Eriol It has the power to unmake everything that exists.
Kero What the heck was Clow thinking making such a dangerous card like that?!
Eriol The Clow Cards themselves are also not without tremendous power. However, if one uses magic that is too powerful the end result is a loss of control and order. For there to be positive power, the equal amount of negative power must exist.
クロウカードはとてつもない力をもっています。 しかし、大きな魔力を 使うと無秩序や暴走を起こしてしまう。 プラスの力が存在するためには、 同じ大きさのマイナスの力の存在が必要なのです。
Kero If that's not the Chinese concept yin and yang I don't know what is. The natural world's in bounds because the forces of negative yin and positive yang are tagging equally on each other... Hey, wait a minute! Are you saying that one sealed card has about the same amount of the magic powers of 52 Clow Cards put together?
中国の陰陽思想やなかったらわからんけど、自然界はマイナスの陰と プラスの陽が釣り合っとるから乱れることがなくて... って、おい! 封印されとったカードって、まさか、52枚のクロウカードを 会わせたのと同じ力ってことか?
Eriol Precisely.
Kero What?!
Eriol When the Clow Cards were still Clow Cards the balance between the positive and negative had been maintained. However, now that all 52 Clow Cards have been turned into Sakura Cards it appeared to be the one seal on the remaining has completely broken. If only all the memory that I inherited from Clow Reed had been perfect, I would have been able to tell you this much sooner.
クロウカードがすべてクロウカードだった頃は、プラスとマイナスの バランスがとれていました。 でも、52枚のカードがすべて、 さくらカードとなった今、残された一枚の封印が完全に解かれて しまったようです。 クロウ・リードから引き継いだ記憶が 完全であれば、このことをもっと早くお伝えするべきで下が。
Sakura Then that means the little girl I met today was...
Eriol The Card that was sealed away, the final one. Sakura, have you lost any Cards?
封印されたカード、最後のクロウカードです。 さくらさん、カードはなくなっていませんか?
Sakura I have lost some. And the girl took a few of them today, too.
もう何枚か。 今日も数枚とられたの。
Eriol Have you notice parts of the city missing?
Sakura The city?
Eriol Such as buildings for example.
Sakura Huph, a mailbox and a bridge are missing.
Eriol That is the Card's power. The Card will continue to erasing things around you of the purpose of taking the Sakura Cards. Objects, places, and people...
それがカードの力です。 この先もカードは、さくらカードを奪うことを目的で、 さくらさんのまわりのものを消し続けます。 物や場所、そして、人も...
In the dimly lit room, Kaho, Nakuru, and Suppi are watching Eriol calling Sakura.
薄暗い部屋で、歌帆と奈久留とスッピーはエリオルがさくらに 電話する姿をじっと見ている。
Sakura That's not good! It's not right!
そんなのひどい! そんなのいやだよ!
At that time, the shield Eriol set on the phone began to weaken.
Kaho Eriol, look.
Eriol Please, listen to me carefully, Sakura. Balance will return to normal if the Card become a Sakura Card like the others.
さくらさん、よく聞いてください。 そのカードを、他のカードと同じように、さくらカードに変換すれば、 釣り合いはもとに戻ります。
Sakura So that's all have to do then.
Eriol But in order to transform the Card successfully, something must be given in exchange.
でも、カードを無事に変換するには、それと引き替えに 必要な物があります。
Sakura In exchange? What would that be?
引き替えに? それはなに?
Eriol The feeling that's most important at the specific time. That is the condition.
その時、一番大切にしている想いを失う。 これが条件です。
Sakura The feeling... that's most important...
一番大切な... 想いを...
Kero Whose feeling?
Eriol The Card will decide. The one with the strongest magic... But Sakura...
それはカードが決めることです。 最も魔力が強い人の... でも、さくらさん...
Strangely, the telephone line gets disconnected all of a sudden.
Sakura Ugh, Eriol? Are you there, Eriol?
あっ、エリオルくん? エリオルくん、聞こえる?
Kero Hey, what's going on?
On the other hand, Eriol hangs up reluctantly.
Kaho You were cut off?
Eriol I was.
The Card realized what I was and erased the telephone line. It's much more powerful than I expected.
わたしの行動に気づき、カードが電話回線を消してしまったようだ。 思っていた以上のパワーだ。
Kaho You do already know what the outcome of this situation would be, don't you, Eriol?
Eriol No, I don't.
Later on the night, Sakura sitting on her bed is staring at the nameless Card with a worry.
その晩遅く、さくらはベッドに座って、なのないカードを心配した 様子で見つめている。

つづく 閉じる

Sakura's BME Clinic © 2002 Yuki Neco