ボールド体 は、台詞を喋る人の名前
イタリック体 は、心の中で思っていること

The Sealed Card — 突然の再会

In a deserted masion up a hill, a power arises from underneath the floor that blows up the chair located above. There is a crack on the floor through which something glowing is seen. With a closer look the rectangle is a Clow Card!
丘の上の廃屋で、床下から力がわき起こり、その上に置かれていた 椅子を吹き飛ばす。 床に亀裂が走り、その間から光っているものが見える。 よく見ると、それは長方形をしていて... クロウカードだった。

At full moon, Yue is standing with his arms cross in Penguin Park. Keroberos appears spreading his rich wings. Between them in the center did Sakura stand up dressed in a lilac outfit in a design for stars.
満月の夜、ペンギン公園でユエが腕を組んで立っている。 ケルベロスは 豪勢な翼を広げて現れた。 二人の間、まさに中央に、星をかたどった デザインで薄紫色のコスチュームを着たさくらが立っている。
Sakura Key that hides the power of the stars, show your true form before me. I, Sakura, command you under our contract. Release!
星の力を秘めし鍵よ、真の力を我の前に示せ。 契約のもとさくらが命じる。 レリーズ!
Sakura grabs the staff which turned in from the key as she twirls it in front, behind, and above.
Sakura Jump!
When Sakura jumps into the air, a dragon in blaze swirls around her. She takes out another Cards to release.
さくらが空高くジャンプすると、炎に包まれたドラゴンが 彼女のまわりを渦巻く。 さくらは別のカードを取り出して封印を解除する。
Sakura Watery!
Water comes out from the Card to sprinkle upon and extinguishes the blase of dragon, when she landed. Next, a crystalline dinosaur attacks her.
カードから水が飛び出し、ドラゴンに降り注ぐと、炎を消してしまう。 さくらが地上に降り立つと、次は、結晶できた怪獣が彼女を攻撃する。
Sakura Sheild!
She block its first blow with the shield, and immediately Yue cuddle her to avoid another attack, when Kerberos breathed fire on the enemy. Subsequently, Yue shoots an arrow that finally destroys it. All of a sudden, the ground vibrates as a golem stood up behind the three.
最初の攻撃を、さくらはシールドでかわし、すぐにユエが彼女を抱えて 次の攻撃をよけ、ケルベロスが敵に炎を吐きかけた。 最後にユエが 弓を放ち、その敵を粉砕する。 突然、地が揺らぎ、三人の背後に ゴーレムが現れる。
Sakura Sword!
Sakura jumps up high and cut it through from head to crotch, then the golem breaks into debris.
さくらは高くジャンプして、ゴーレムの頭からまっすぐ下へ斬りつけ、 ゴーレムはバラバラに壊れてしまう。
Actually, that was a video produced by Tomoyo. She claps her hands when the video is over.
それは実は知世がつくったビデオだった。 知世はビデオが終わると 拍手をする。
Tomoyo That was an awesome movie, wonderful!
Sakura There was even background music in it.
Tomoyo Of course, I took the liberty of adding it during editing. That was difficult to find music I was to time it perfectly to the contents of each sequence. That it was all for you. It was worth time of efforts.
もちろん、自由に編集して、曲まで入れさせてもらいましたわ。 でも、流れとか場面にピッタリとタイミングが合う曲を探すのには 苦労しましたわ。 でも、これもさくらちゃんのため、 がんばった甲斐がありましたわ。
Sakura Hoeee...
Kero Man, look at that. I'm a stud if I do say so myself. Now, one more time. [Presses play button]
なぁ、見てみいや。 自分で言うのもあれやけど、わいってカッコええな。 ほな、もう一度や。 [再生ボタンを押す]
Sakura Kero.
Tomoyo But if it weren't for your obvious bravery on screen presence I would never have been able to shoot such a marvelous footage.
でも、さくらちゃんの勇姿がなければ、こんなステキな 作品を撮影することなんてできませんでしたわ。
Sakura Come on, you're embarrassing me.
Tomoyo There's no reason for you to feel embarrassed. After all, you were able to turn all the Cards into Sakura Cards in you've also grown into a great magical girl in the process.
恥ずかしいことなんてありませんわ。 さくらちゃんは、カードをすべてさくらカードに変換して、この中で、立派な 魔法少女として成長なさったんですもの。
Kero But she's never gonna outgrow her habit of being late even though she's in the sixth grade.
でも、6年生にもなって、相変わらず遅れてばかりなのは 治りそうにないけどな。
Sakura Kero!
Kero Hahaha. Anyway the stuff really looks awesome! Creating turned not to be too shabby the bad guy, either.
あはは。 ところで、ホントにすごいできや! クリエイトも、ええ感じの敵になってくれとるし。
Sakura I borrowed a ton of fantasy novels from Naoko and kind of based creating some of the monsters I read about.
奈緒子ちゃんからファンタジー小説をいっぱい借りて、 本で読んだ怪獣を創ってみたんだもん。
Tomoyo Now that Hiiragizawa has gone and there were no more incidence left to handle. and a little bit of screen writing in exaggeration is unavoidable.
今となっては柊沢くんもいなくなって、事件も起こらなくなりましたから、 ビデオの筋書きに多少の誇張はしかたありませんわ。
Kero You're a pretty scary person, Tomoyo.
Tomoyo I always take every opportunity to record Sakura when she wears the clothes I made just for her. The choice is untimately mine. Hohohoho.
それは、私のつくった服をさくらちゃんに着てもらってそれを 撮影するためには手段は選びませんわ。 おほほほ。
Sakura Hauuu...
The video comes to an end.
Kero Hey, what other Cards did you want to record us capturing, Tomoyo?
なぁ、知世、他にどのカードを捕まえてるとこをビデオに 撮りたかったんや?
Tomoyo Babble and Dash and Float, too, and perhaps Freeze. Oh, Change would be nice, too.
バブルに、ダッシュ、フロートも、それから、フリーズですわ。 あ、チェンジもいいですわね。
Kero I'm not touching that one. There's no way I got switch with the kid again.
それは、ええわ。 またあの小僧と入れ替わるのは、もういやや。
Tomoyo Then how about Flower?
Sakura Syaoran...
Kero Wait! How does Sweet sound to you? It'll be yummy at least.
いや! スイートはどうや? うまい話やできっと。
Tomoyo Heh heh heh.
Syaoran on VCR Hey!
Sakura Hmm?
The card capture of the Bubble Card is on the video.
Syaoran on VCR Watch yourself. It's coming back.
気をつけろ。 戻ってきたぞ。
Sakura on VCR Right.
Tomoyo Oh, it seems there was an unedited scene left on this tape.
Kero Hey, look! I'm in this scene, too. Man, am I a cool looking beast or what?
見てや! わいも映っとるで。 わいってホンマ、カッコええなぁ。
Sakura on VCR Aaaah!
Syaoran on VCR Petals of wind, answer my call!
Now hurry up and seal it!

Sakura on VCR Right! Return to the guise you're meant to be in! Clow Card!
うん! 汝のあるべき姿に戻れ! クロウカード!
Tomoyo It's almost hard to believe that it's already 4 months since Li returned to Hong Kong.
李くんが香港に戻られてもう4ヶ月も経つなんて、 なんだか信じられませんわね。
Sakura Umm.
Syaoran on VCR Are you all right?
Sakura on VCR Yeah.
Syaoran on VCR I'm glad.
Sakura You knew about it but then, didn't you, Tomoyo? What Syaoran's feeling really were.
知世ちゃんは、あの時もう知ってたんだよね? 小狼くんの気持ちを。
Tomoyo Yes, I knew.
Sakura I was the only one who didn't realize it.
Tomoyo I'm quite certain that Li fell in love with you precisely because of that unsophisticated aspect of yours.
李くんは、きっと、さくらちゃんのそういう ふんわりしたところが 好きになったんですわ。
Sakura But you know, Syaoran had told me that he liked me almost right before he had to go back to Hong Kong. So I haven't still had a chance to tell him what my feelings are yet.
でも、小狼くんは香港に帰るホントに直前に 好きだって言ってくれたから、私の気持ちを言う時間がなかったの。
Tomoyo What about telephone or even through out a letter?
Sakura [Shakes head] When Syaoran had told me how he felt he did it in person. That's why I want to see him and tell him the right way.
[首を振る] 小狼くんは、あたしに直接 言ってくれたから、 あたしも、小狼くんに会って、ちゃんとした方法で言いたいの。

Sakura wakes up late in the morning.
Sakura Hoeeee! I'm gonna be late!
ほえええ! 遅れちゃう!
Sakura runs all around her room to change into her uniform.
Kero It looks like you're back to usual pattern again today.
Sakura It's because of summer vacation I used to waking up late.
Kero Huhhh. Today must be one those summer class sessions, huh?
ふうん。 今日は夏休みの登校日かいな?
Sakura Mm-hmm. It's for Nadeshiko festival.
そうなの。 なでしこ祭の準備。
Kero Yaaawn. You serious? The festival that takes over the whole city, right?
ふああ。 そうか? 町中でやるあの祭りのことか?
Sakura Yeah, Class 6-2 is representing Tomoeda Elementary by doing a play Naoko wrote the script.
うん、6年2組が友枝小を代表して劇をやるの。 奈緒子ちゃんが脚本 書いたんだよ。
Sakura finishes tying her hair and runs to her desk.
Kero So what kind of part-ie are you playing in it, Sakura?
Sakura I-I'll be playing the princess.
Kero Wow! The princess, that means you've got the lead role! Now I definitely gotta find a way to see it.
Man, I remember that kid got to be the princess at another time you guys had a play. Hahahaha. Jeez, that was a horrible sight, alright?
おぉ! お姫様って、主役やないか! それは何としても見に行かんとなぁ。
そうや、以前劇やった時は、あの小僧がお姫様役やったよな。 あははは、もう、あれは見てられんかったな。
Sakura takes out some Sakura Cards and sees it relaxed.
Kero Uh, by the way, Sakura. Are you gonna go to school just like that?
で、さくら。 そんな格好で学校に行くんか?
Sakura in fact is in her uniform from the waist, but still in PJ instead of her skirt.
さくらは上は制服を着ているが、スカートの替わりにまだパジャマを はいていた。
Sakura Huh? Hoeeeeee!!
え? ほええええ!!
In the kitchen, Fujitaka and Touya can hear Sakura's scream and crashing sound.
Touya Huhh...
Fujitaka is making sandwitches for breakfast, when she runs into the kitchen.
藤隆は朝食にサンドイッチをつくっている。 そのとき、さくらが台所に 下りてくる。
Sakura Good morning!
Fujitaka Good morning, Sakura.
Sakura Good morning. [to picture of Nadeshiko]
おはよう。 [撫子の写真に挨拶する]
When Sakura sit at the table, Touya brings her breakfast.
Touya Late morning. [Takes seat]
おそよう。 [座る]
Sakura Hey! It's Good Morning!
Touya Late morning, monster.
おそよう。 かいじゅう。
Sakura Would you stop calling me that?! [Grasping fist]
さくら怪獣じゃないもん! [こぶしを握る]
Fujitaka Now, now, stop fighting, you two. You'll all be late if you don't hurry up and eat. [Takes seat]
Shall we get started?
ほら二人とも、ケンカしない。 急いで食べないと、 遅れちゃいますよ。 [座る]
Sakura Yeah, let's.
Three It's time to eat now.
The three starts eating breakfast.
Fujitaka By the way, Sakura, don't your sessions start in the afternoon? You look like you're going early today.
ところで、さくらさん。 今日の登校日は、 昼からじゃなかった? ちょっと 出かけるのが早いようだけど。
Sakura Mm-hmm. We've only got a week left after all, and there's some spots I'm not good, so I have to practice those parts in the play through a.m.
うん。 もう一週間しかないんだけど、まだ うまくできない場面があるの。 だから午前中はずっと劇の練習。
Fujitaka I'm looking forward to seeing you on stage.
Sakura Teh heh heh.
Touya The play starring a monster?
I guess the festival will... be a big mess this year.
今年のなでしこ祭は... 大変なことになりそうだな。
Sakura Ugrrr.
Fujitaka And what's your plan?
Touya My college is to run an ice cream parler and I'll be helping out.
Sakura Uh, Yukito'll be helping, too?
Touya Come on, we do go to the same college, don't we.
Sakura All right! I'll have to make sure to stop by.
やったぁ! あたし、絶対にお店に行くね。
Touya Then I'll have to make sure to put some tabasco in your ice cream.
Sakura Ugh. Grrrrrrr!
うっ。 きぃ〜っ!

On her way to school, Sakura can see people preparing for Nadeshiko festival over all the city.
学校に行く途中、町中でなでしこ祭の準備が進められているのを さくらは見る。
Sakura Wow! Looks like the preparation coming out pretty well. The entire city of Tomoeda is really involved with the festival. I'm looking forward to it!
わぁ! 準備がどんどんできあがっている。 友枝町全体がなでしこ祭に 関わっているんだ。 ホントに楽しみ!
Sakura makes a stop where the stage is being built.
Sakura I guess this is the right place where the play is going to be held. Ooh, looking at this makes me nervous!
Oh, yeah. I'm gonna be late!
ここが劇を上演する場所なんだ。 これ見てると、なんだか緊張しちゃう! あ、そうだ。 遅れちゃう!
She restarts rollerblading to school.

When Sakura comes in her classroom, students are practicing their play.
Takashi Please, I beg you, dear my princess. Dry all your tears of sorrow. A smile will suits you better than...
Tomoyo Uh, Sakura, you are here.
Sakura I'm sorry for getting here so late.
Naoko Sakura. [Runs to Sakura with script] I added some lines to the play. Would you mind acting it out for me?
さくらちゃん。 [脚本をもって駆け寄る] 台詞をちょっと加えたの。 ちょっとこのシーンを やってくれるかなぁ?
Sakura OK.
Naoko Right here. This is where the new lines begin.
ここ。 これが付け加えた台詞の出だし。
Sakura All rigtht. I'll give it a try.
わかった。 やってみる。
Naoko That's for you, Yamazaki. Start from where you are just now.
じゃあ、山崎くん。 さっきのとこから始めてみて。
Takashi OK.
Naoko You can begin whenever you're ready.
Takashi Please, I beg you, my dear princess. Dry all your tears of sorrow. A smile will suits you better than anybody else. I ask you to please forgive me to cause you such sadness. However I cannot stop this feeling that is surging within me. I must admit that I've fallen in love with you.
どうかお願いです、お姫様。 その悲しみの涙をおふきになって。 あなたは誰よりも笑顔が似合います。 あなたに悲しい思いをさせてしまったことをどうか、お許しください。 でも、この胸の中に押し寄せる想いを止めることはできない。 私は、あなたのことを愛してしまったのです。
Sakura Even so I... that is I...
そんな... あたしは...
Tomoyo [Videotaping] Teh heh.
[撮影している] うふふ。
Sakura I'm afraid that... my feelings toward you are...
あたしは... あなたのことを... その...

Sakura and Tomoyo are walking aross the small bridge in the park.
Sakura Jeez, I can't believe how hard that I have to do. I'm so nervous since this is the first time I get a princess.
あぁ、もっとがんばらないといけないなんて。 お姫様役なんて初めてだから、すごい緊張してるよ。
Tomoyo You're doing quite well. You've played the princess becoming more and more convincing with each passing rehearsal.
さくらちゃんはうまくやっていらっしゃいますわ。 練習のたびに、ますます、さくらちゃんはお姫様 らしい演技ができていますわ。
Sakura You really think so?
Tomoyo As one allowed to be at each day's rehearsal to record the process progress, I assure you that it's certainly the case.
毎日、練習風景を撮影させていただいている身としては、 絶対にそうだと保証いたしますわ。
Sakura Wow, thank you for saying so.
The two girls find a new ad on the bulltain board.
Sakura Hoe? Tomoeda Amusement Park?
ほえ? ともえだ遊園地?
Tomoyo It's been constructed at top of the hill in order I think of it?
Sakura Yeah, it's almost exactly where Eriol's house was.
I wonder if Eriol is doing all right.
Tomoyo Shall we visit it before going home tomorrow?
Sakura Hmm.

Late on that night, when Kero is already asleep, Sakura is practicing her lines one the bed.
その夜遅く、ケロが寝入った後で、さくらはベッドの上で台詞の 練習をしている。
Sakura It was as if my heart were not my own when I was with the prince. Even so I cannot allowed myself to fall in love, and yet to seems that I keep my own heart away from these feelings, for his gentle smile continues to linger in my memory. I long to see the prince once more. I long to see him and I long to confess him how my feelings truly are.
王子様といると、あたしの心臓は、自分のものでもないかのように 言うことを聞いてくれない。 でも、恋をするなんて許されないことだわ。 あたしの心臓を、この思いがから遠ざけるようにしないと、 王子様の優しい微笑みが心から離れない。 もう一度、王子様に会いたい。 王子様に会って、あたしの本当の気持ちを伝えたい。
Kero Umm yumm... [sleeping]
うみゃ、むにゃ... [ねごと]
Sakura Hmm?
Kero I still got some room for some more food... [sleeping]
食いもんならもうちょっと入るでぇ... [ねごと]
Sakura chuckles. Soon she pressed the script on her chest and closes her eyes.
さくらはくすっと笑う。 すぐに脚本を胸に押し当て、目を閉じる。
Sakura Oh, Syaoran.
Beside her, the deck of Sakura Cards glow without Sakura knowing it.
Meanwhile, the foot of the clock tower in the amusement park in construction glows before a powerful force climbs up the tower all of a sudden. There at top of the tower appears a sprit that looks like a little girl with long curly hair and wings, in a lonely look on its face.
その時、建設中の遊園地の時計塔の足もとが輝き、突然、 強い力が時計塔を駆け上る。 時計塔の頂上には、 翼をもった小さな少女の姿をした精霊が現れ、悲しそうな顔をしている。

Next day, Sakura and Tomoyo come to the amusement park that's yet to open.
Sakura I looks like Eriol's house is not around any more.
Tomoyo It does seem that way.
At this moment, Sakura gasped at a powerful presence she senses.
Tomoyo Is something the matter?
Sakura I thought I felt a presence.
Tomoyo Presence?
Sakura It's from inside... the amusement park?
中からだ... 遊園地の。
Sakura starts to run into the park heading for where the presence comes from.
Tomoyo Sakura, wait!
Sakura This presence. I know it. This presense is a...
この気配。 この気配は... ひょっとすると...
When Sakura turns at the ticket counter, she bumps into a boy. Luckily, he catches her by the hand from falling.
チケット売り場を曲がると、さくらは少年にぶつかる。 運良く、少年はさくらの手をつかんで、倒れるさくらを抑える。
Sakura I'm sorry. I was looking the other way.
ごめんなさい。 ちょっとよそ見をしてました。
The boy she bumped into is Syaoran, to her very surprise.
Sakura Hoeee!
Syaoran Aaaa!!
Meilin What is it? Did something show up?
どうしたの?! 何か出たの?
Meilin comes running out of a building.
Sakura Eh? Meilin, you're here, too?
え? 苺鈴ちゃんもいたの?

Sakura and the others having an unexpected reunion, they went to Penguin Park. Sakura and Meilin sit on swings.
思いがけなく再会したさくらたちは、ペンギン公園に行く。さくらと 苺鈴はブランコに座っている。
Sakura When did you arrive in Japan?
Meilin Just a few moments ago.
Sakura You should've let me know so I could've gone and picked you guys up.
Meilin Yeah, but I wanted to be quiet about it to surprise you.
Tomoyo hears her chuckling.
Sakura Well, on seeing you, you did surprise me.
Meilin Then the operation was a completely success.
Sakura Huh?
Meilin Never mind what I said.
So you're going to be in a play right?
Sakura That's right. It's showing in one week but will you be staying that long?
そうなの。 一週間後なんだけど、苺鈴ちゃんは、 それまでいられるの?
Meilin That's the plan. We're gonna have some fun together then.
And by the way, what I wrote about in my last letter that I sent you was really true.
そのつもり。 だから、一緒に遊んだりできるわよ。
Sakura Hoe?
Meilin I'm talking about Syaoran and I had our engagement cancelled. Syaoran told me he had got someone else he likes. I want somebody who'll like me but anybody else in the whole world. He also said that he asked her out, but he hasn't gotten any answer yet. Syaoran is still my cousin who is important to me. So I hope everything goes well for him.
小狼とわたしが婚約を解消したってこと。 小狼には他に好きな人が できたんだって。 わたしは、世界中でわたしをずっと好きで いてほしいから。 小狼はその子に好きだって伝えたらしいんだけど、 まだ返事をもらってないんだって。 小狼は、大切なわたしのいとこだから、小狼のこと、うまくいってほしいな。
Meilin and Tomoyo smile in unison.
Tomoyo Are those schools in Hong Kong on summer vacation as well?
Syaoran Yeah, Meilin just said one day that she wanted to go to Japan, and that's why we're here.
ああ、この前、苺鈴が突然、日本に行きたいって言いだしたから、 それで、ここに来たんだ。
Tomoyo Tomoeda is having a festival soon after all.
Syaoran Daidouji, you and Meilin have been writing e-mails back and forth, haven't you?
Tomoyo That's right.
Syaoran Then you were the one who invited Meilin to come to Japan, right?
Tomoyo Have I troubled you at all?
Syaoran Umm... no, I just...
いや... その... つまり...
Tomoyo You did want to see Sakura again, didn't you?
Syaoran Of course I wanted to do. But being here will cause her problems. That's because just now she'll have to give me an answer.
ああ、確かにそうだけど。 でも、俺が来たらさくらが困るんじゃないのか。 あいつが、俺に返事をしないといけなくなるから。
Sakura Hey where will you and Syaoran be staying while you are here?
Meilin We were thinking of staying over in Miss Daidouji's place for now.
Sakura Oh, Tomoyo's. Then why don't you have dinner at my place tonight? I will do my best to cook something good.
知世ちゃんの家に。 今晩、家でお夕食にしない? がんばって おいしいものつくるから。
Meilin That sounds great. But there's something else that Miss Daidouji's and I are supposed to do tonight. [Winks to Tomoyo]
せっかくだけど、わたしと大道寺さんは、今晩用事があるの。 [知世にウィンクする]
Tomoyo Oh, of course. I nearly forgot.
あ、そうでした。 忘れてましたわ。
Meilin Sorry. Maybe next time.
ごめんね。 またの機会に。
Sakura Mm-hmm. It's OK. I should've known you had another plans.
うん、別にいいよ。 苺鈴ちゃんに、他のご用があるって考えてなかったわ。
Meilin Since we're busy, would you mind treating Syaoran to dinner.
Sakura &\ Syaoran Wh-what?!

At sunset, Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Meilin are in front of Sakura's house.
Meilin Oh, Syaoran, I'll see you later at Miss Daidouji's place. Oh, shall we go now.
じゃあ、小狼、大道寺さんの家で会いましょ。 それじゃ、行きましょ。
Meilin and Tomoyo walks off leaving Sakura and Syaoran.
Syaoran Hey, hold on it in a minute, Meilin!
Sakura Umm... does pasta sound good to you for dinner tonight?
あの... お夕食、パスタでいいかなぁ?
Syaoran Yeah... souunds fine.
ああ... いいけど。
Seeing Sakura and Syaoran walking into Sakura's house, Tomoyo talks to Meilin.
さくらの家に、さくらと小狼が入っていくのを見て、 知世は苺鈴に話しかける。
Tomoyo Your graciousness is truly extraordinary, Meilin.
Meilin But I wouldn't have had to do it if those two weren't so dense.
あの二人があんなに鈍くなかったら、こんなことまでする必要 ないのよ。
Tomoyo It will be wonderful if Sakura can give Li her answer, and you agree?
Meilin That's true.

Sakura awkwardly guides Syaoran into the living room.
Sakura Uh, have a seat. I'm going to make some tea for you. Oh, we now have some cake here, too. My dad baked one this morning.
あの、座って。 お茶を入れてくるから。 それとケーキもあったんだ。 今朝、お父さんが焼いてくれたの。
Syaoran heaves a sign sitting on a sofa, when Sakura takes out cake from the refridgerator and makes some tea.
小狼はソファに座ってため息をつく。 さくらは冷蔵庫からケーキを出して、 紅茶を入れる。
Syaoran Do you need any help?
Sakura Huh? It's OK. I'm almost done. So just relax.
え? 大丈夫。 すぐすむから。 休んでて。
Syaoran Uh, all right.
Sakura brings tea and cake.
Sakura Thanks for waiting.
How much sugar?
Syaoran Ummm-uh... That's all right, I can do it myself.
えっと... いい、自分でやるから。
Syaoran upsets the sugar pot accidentally, then Syaoran's and Sakura's hands touched when they tried to get it back.
小狼は砂糖の入れ物をひっくり返し、それをもとに戻そうとした小狼と さくらの手が触れ合う。
Sakura &\ Syaoran Ah!
Syaoran S-sorry about that.
Sakura I-it's OK.
There is a silence between them, Sakura can only hear her heart beating.
Sakura Umm... you know, Syaoran... I wanted to tell you... that I... that I... when it comes to you, Syaoran.
あ、あの... 小狼くん... 言いたかったんだけど... その... あの... 小狼くんのことが...
Kero [Interrupts] Is that cake! I smell here!
[割り込む] ケーキや! ケーキの匂いや!
Sakura &\ Syaoran Daah!
Sakura Kero!
Syaoran Keroberos!
Kero Hey, it's just you, kid? When d'you get back in town? Damn, well, you guys gonna eat that cake and try to keep it a secret from me?
小僧やないか! いつ戻って来たんや?! さては、わいに内緒で、二人でケーキ食べようとしてたやろ?!
Sakura No, we won't keep it a secret, Kero.
Kero Then why didn't you call me right away?!
Sakura I... I think I'd better get dinner ready. You must stay here to eat the cake.
それは... あ、お夕食のしたくしなきゃ。 ここでケーキ食べてて いいから。
Sakura runs out of the spot. Kero lands on the table and compare the cake on the respective two plates in turn.
さくらはその場を走って離れる。 ケロはケーブルに下りると、 二つの皿に載ったケーキを見比べる。
Kero All right! This is the bigger one!
よっしゃ! こっちの方が大きい!
Syaoran Still as greedy as ever, I see.
Kero I'm not gonna switch even if you ask me my sweets.
Syaoran Yeah, right. I'm not like you!
ふん。 お前と一緒にするな!
Kero Watch what's your attitude. You're just a kid!
Syaoran Who're you calling a kid?!
Kero transforms into his true form and push Syaoran down on the sofa with his paw.
Kerberos Compare to an awesome creature like me, you're nothing more than a kid.
Syaoran Come on! Get off me, already!
こら! さっさとはなせ!
Kerberos Since you are here, that means that brat's gotta be, too. I guess I'll show her what my sturdy true form looks like next time she shows up.
小僧がここにいるということは、小娘も来とるとゆーことやな。 今度、小娘に会うたら、わいの真の姿がどんなにカッコええか 見せたるで。
Syaoran Come on, move it!
Meanwhile, Sakura is boiling pasta in a pan.
Sakura My heart was racing so fast. I almost thought I wouldn't be able to breathe any more. But I have to tell him. I have to let Syaoran know how I feel. I was able to see him again after all.
胸がドキドキする。 もう息をすることもできないかと思った。 でも、言わなきゃ。 あたしの気持ちを小狼くんに伝えなきゃ。 また小狼くんに会うことができたんだもん。

Kero is delightfully eating the Neapolitan pasta made by Sakura.
ケロは嬉しそうに、さくらがつくったナポリタン スパゲティを食べている。
Kero Yumm... man, I'm totally stuffed!
うま... おぉ、もう満腹や!
Syaoran Thanks a lot for the dinner.
Sakura You didn't think it was too bland, did you?
Syaoran No, not at all. It was delicious.
いや、全然。 すごくおいしかった。
Sakura Oh, yeah? Sorry about making you help out with the cooking even thought you're a guest.
ホントに? お客様なのに、小狼くんにも、 料理 手伝ってもらってごめんね。
Kero The only thing the kid did was tear some lettuce.
Sakura That's a lot more than what you did, Kero.
ケロちゃんは なにもしなかったじゃない。
Kero What are you talking about? I was busy finishing the cake.
なにゆーてんのや? わいはケーキ食べるので急がしかったんや。
Sakura That's helpful.
Kero When it comes to facing up to tasty food I'm always ready for the challenge.
うまそうなものを目の前にすると、わいは飽くなき挑戦の 道なんや。
Syaoran So just in other words, you're just a greedy little pig.
Kero You're trying to pick a fight, kid. You got, yeah!
なんやて、やるか小僧。 うらうら!
Sakura Kero!
Kero [Sweatdrops] Looks like your life's been spared for today, kid.
[冷や汗] 命拾いしたな、小僧。
Kero turns and shifts to his way back upstairs.
Sakura Where are you going?
Kero I've been playing video games in your room all day long my eyes giving out on me. It's still early but I'm gonna go to bed.
今日は一日中、さくらの部屋でゲームしとったさかい、 目がしょぼしょぼする。 まだ早いけど、今日はもう寝るわ。
Kero goes upstairs---but soon he shows us again.
ケロは二階へ上がる... と見せかけて、もう一度現れる。
Kero But if you guys got any snack, you'd better call me down, OK?
Kero goes upstairs with some suspicion.
Sakura The only thing that he thinks about...
Syaoran ... is filling his big fat belly.
Sakura Hmm.
Finding to be left alone, the two gasp and feel nervous.
Sakura Uh, I was trying to say something before Kero interrupted us earlier.
I was saying... uh...
あの... あたし...
Touya [From the front door] I'm home!
[玄関から] ただいま〜!
Sakura Ho... eee...
ほ... えぇ...
Touya walks into the kitchen.
Touya What do you want for dinner, Sakura?
null\[Sees Syaoran] Why are you here?
[小狼を見る] なんでお前が?
Syaoran Mmmm.
Yukito [Walks behind Touya] Pardon me.
[桃矢の後ろから] お邪魔してます。
Sakura Oh, it's you, Yukito.
Yukito Hi, Sakura. Good evening.
Oh? [Sees Syaoran]
あれ? [小狼に気づく]
Syaoran smiles and bows.

Sakura I'll walk you to the bus station.
Syaoran I'm fine.
Sakura But...
Syaoran I'll be all right.
Syaoran walks down the steps at the porch.
Syaoran Thanks again for the great dinner.
Sakura Wait! Will you be coming to the school tomorrow?
待って! 明日 学校に来る?
Syaoran Yeah! I'd like to see Yamazaki and the others.
Sakura Then I guess we'll be seeing each other tomorrow.
Syaoran Yeah.
Sakura See you tomorrow. [Waves hand]
それじゃ、また明日。 [手を振る]
Syaoran See you tomorrow.
Sakura keeps seeing Syaoran off at the gate.

Meanwhile, Touya and Yukito are eating the pasta Sakura made.
Yukito You seem to be in a bad mood, Touya.
Touya I can't believe that little twerp's back in town.
Yukito But Sakura looked incredibly happy to have him around here again.
でも、あの子が戻ってきて、さくらちゃん とても嬉しそうだったよ。
Touya And that's exactly why I'm so pissed off!
Yukito Hahaha, you have to admit that it's pretty hard to find Sakura anything but really really adorable.
ははは、さくらちゃんのことが とってもとってもかわいくって しかたないんだね。
Touya You shut up!

In Sakura's room where Kero is snoring with lights out, the Change Card floats out of the deck of Cards. It mysteriously glows before flying out through the window. Sakura standing at the gate of her house can't so much as notice the incidence.
さくらの部屋では、灯りを消してケロが寝っている。 チェンジのカードが カードの束から出てくる。 怪しく輝くと、窓から飛び出していく。 さくらは 入口に立っていて、その出来事には気づきもしなかった。
Sakura Oh, Syaoran...
The escapting Card is floating in front of the spirit on the clock tower of the amusement park. The spirits like a girl looks still lonely, but slightly smiles.
飛んでいったカードは、遊園地の時計塔の頂上にいる精霊の前に 浮かんでいる。 その精霊は、相変わらず、寂しそうな表情をしているが、 心もち微笑みを浮かべている。

つづく 閉じる

Sakura's BME Clinic © 2002 Yuki Neco