Composed by tamu-tamu
Translated by Yuki Neco
In a vast field of ruins where nothing special can be seen, a girl with emerald eyes was standing still. She had no idea where she was, or what era she was in.
She started walking to look for some clues. She was walking all alone in the desert without any plant. Not at all did she know where to go for something she needed, except that she had a feeling—that she could find something in that direction. “I’ll be all right,” she thought, walking steadily in the direction. “Sakura, Sakuuura,” a familiar voice came to her, when she lost her conciousness slowly.
I just wrote down what came cross my mind. The fic is just my free feeling, so you might bump into some sentense that doesn’t make sense to you. In that case, please try to figure out. (Irresponsible aren’t I?)
I don’t think this fic will last so many chapters. If you like, please read it when you have nothing else to do. I’d like you to continue reading into the Chapter 1.